Welcome to our versatile platform, where we cater to the needs of both individual consumers (B2C) and businesses (B2B) worldwide. For our valued B2C customers, our user-friendly website allows you to effortlessly browse, select, and purchase heavy equipment and machinery spare parts with just a few clicks. Simply add your desired items to the cart, adjust quantities as needed, proceed to our secure checkout, and await the timely delivery of genuine parts to your doorstep.

Spare Parts ; If we don't have it, we get it!
For our esteemed B2B clients, we understand the importance of efficiency in procurement. Companies can opt for a streamlined process by submitting inquiries through our ‘Bulk Spare Parts‘ form. This form facilitates the upload of inquiries in an Excel sheet, following a structured format of Brand, Part Number, and Quantity. Alternatively, businesses can directly contact our dedicated sales team via
email at sales@autoverse.ae,
ensuring a prompt and tailored response to meet their specific requirements. At Autoverse, whether you’re an individual enthusiast or a global enterprise, we are committed to providing a seamless and efficient experience for all your heavy equipment spare parts needs.
We take the guesswork out of buying and selling a used commercial truck.
Autoverse will help you buy any car, especially commercial vehicles! Call our buying experts if you’re ready to sell your personal or Commercial vehicle. Autoverse can assist you in selling your vehicle or buying a new one.

We buy commercial vans, trucks, and other vehicles in any condition or mileage. Autoverse will buy any and all brands, models, and kinds of vehicles available.